Did you know that Spanish is the official language in over 20 countries across the world and is the world’s second most widely spoken language! So if you are still looking for motivation, this can be a good reason for you. Whether you want to learn Spanish for a career, to study abroad or simply to make travelling more fun, Polytechnics Mauritius offer different tracks for different learning purposes. Learning Spanish at Polytechnics Mauritius allows you to immerse yourself in the rich Spanish culture.
If you are still unsure which foreign language to choose, you need to first understand in what kind of culture fit better. Do you favor paella over pasta! Are you more into an easy-going life as compared to the Germans who place high priority on punctuality. If in both cases the former are your preferences, then you are at the right place. Spanish is the best choice for you.
Learning a language can open up career opportunities directly or indirectly in the various fields;
Public Relations Officer
Foreign Language Specialist
Tourism and Hospitality
Cruise Industry
ICT and Offshore Companies
Cabin crew
Public & guest relation
Doctors, nurses and other health sciences sector
Diplomatic Service Officers
International consultants
Social workers
Entrepreneurs & Businessmen
Open to the public. For ease of understanding, a basic knowledge in English is required.
Students who have completed previous levels from other institutions and not having a relevant certificate will be assessed by our trainer to discern the students’ knowledge of the Spanish language before escalating to the next level.
Full Time:
The full time course will allow you to complete the curriculum within your manageable timeframe thus allowing you to prepare yourself to fly to a Mandarin speaking country to study or for a career within a shorter period of time.
Part Time:
Part-time courses are run once a week and is more geared towards working people or those who are already on a full time programme but want to learn a foreign language to open up more career opportunities. This option allows you to reach the same levels but over a longer period of time.
We have adopted a course structure that prepares you to sit for an examination by the relevant examining bodies.
Learning Methodology:
•Class Presentation
• Written & practical assessments
• Group Work
•Guest Speakers
•Workshop and debate
•Events and activities related to lessons
• Event- Preparation of a Spanish traditional dish by Hospitality students
•Video Conference with professionals from various sectors
•Sample Exams Papers- Theory and Practical
A1 | Modules | Objectives |
• Alphabets / phonetics/Vocabularies
Basic Greetings •Alphabets / phonetics/Vocabularies •Self-presentation Days of the week and months Hobbies Seasons •Vowels / consonants •Personal pronouns •Basic History of Spain •Map and Neighbouring countries •Numbers and Counting •Writing of small phrases Time •Learning of different Professions •Learning of formal languages and vocabularies •Writing E-mails and letters •Verbs •Nouns and pronouns •Accusative and Dative •Prepositions •Cultural Aspects |
•Good knowledge of Spanish alphabets
•Able to ask and answer questions about personal details and on familiar topics. •Understand and can write simple Spanish words and sentences. •Can fill in official forms •An insight of the cultural aspects and traditions •Can identify general information in a discourse. |
A2 | Modules | Objectives |
•Personal Information/Marital Status
Relationships •Patterns of daily routine •Syntax/ structures/ Phonetics/Connecting words •Reading of advertisement /Leaflets/Media •Educational Background/Qualifications •Family Information/Human Relationship •Common things in daily environment •Urban Life/Rural Life •Numbers and counting •Currencies/Measures/Shapes •Sports Activities/Hobbies •Numbers and Counting •Cultural Aspects •Time •Possessive articles •Reflexive Verbs •Alternating Prepositions •Comparative Clauses •Adjectives •Connecting Sentences •Conjunctive |
•Understand the essentials grammar and syntax
•Demonstrate a competence in basic writing •Understand and able to write short texts •Demonstrate a reasonable standard of pronunciation •Ability to communicate orally in basic situations •Identify important information •Can make simple transactions in shops, post offices or banks. •Can write about everyday life in simple phrases and sentences •Use most important connecting words to indicate the chronological order of events •Can use some simple structures correctly |
B1 | Modules | Objectives |
•Norms and values
•Political parties and systems of the Spanish-speaking countries •Lifestyles/Work and social life •Official Documents •Reading story books and story telling •Writing of simple unofficial and official thank you notes and messages •Summary of job experience •Paraphrasing and Translation of complex texts •Use of IT software in Spanish •Use of language software •Prepare PowerPoint Presentation in Spanish •Legal framework – General •Ethical issues of medical OR Hospitality/ Customer care etc… •Learning of how to fill in application form •Visa Procedures •Prepare for formal interviews •Verbs •Genitive •Connecting Words •Consecutive main and subordinate clauses •Relative Clauses •Indefinite articles and pronouns •Cultural Aspects |
•Good verbal and spatial aptitudes
•Ability to use standard language to communicate •Able to elucidate and justify opinions •Good phonetic & phonological skills •Adequate knowledge of values, norms, culture & way of life of the locals •Understand the main points in messages and announcements •Write simple texts, messages and emails •Adequate knowledge of medical terms •Can converse in coherent sentences •Able to explain your point of view, ambitions and introduce yourself in formally |
B2 | Modules | Objectives |
• Word order in the sentence
•Negotiation •Law and Order •Comparative sentences •Infinitive and Alternatives • Relative clauses •Noun connections •Passive forms •Two-part connectors • Textual context • Modal sentences passive substitutions • Indefinite pronouns • Writing of formal article • Non-verbal Communication • Indirect speech with conjunctive I • Nominalization of verbs • CV writing •Cultural Aspects •Connectors •Textual Context •Indirect speeches •Nominalization of verbs •Modal particles •Prepositions with genitive |
•More confident to express opinions and views.
•Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in their field of specialization. •Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. •Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue • Good understanding statements on positive and negative criticism
C1 | Modules | Objectives |
• Respond to a greeting in a formal and informal way
•Expressing ability •Counterargument •Expressing acceptance, rejection and regrets •Interpretation •Translation of complex subjects •Express knowledge or ignorance •Simple conversation •Express likes and dislikes •Sending invitations •Culture and poetry •Complex numbers •Asking for help and guidance in formal languages and dialects •Writing of complex articles for publications/workshops and forums •Soft Skills •Laws and order •Making Statements Writing of Minutes •Writing of motivational letters •Connectors, separable and inseparable •Nominalization and verbalization •Banking details •Filling jobs and University applications •Media •Writing Blogs •Surveys •Nominalization and verbalization •Infinitive clauses •Modal principle |
•Can express fluently and precisely
•Ability to discuss and understand complex topics and texts •Good command of grammar and verbs in all tenses •Able to use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes •Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer clauses, and recognize implicit meaning. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices •Good command of Spanish formal and informal languages •Express him/herself clearly both in speaking and writing on a large number of topics •Understand almost all texts; example, understand a text about experiences in emigration and immigration
The cost of the course will vary according to the mode of delivery (full time/part time) you will opt. We are one of the institutions offering the same course at a very affordable price that suit your budget. Should you wish to sit for an examination, additional fees will be applicable depending on the examination centre.